Got a Company Car or Ute?

Take a photo of your Odometer on 31 March!


Anyone with an “Employer-provided vehicle”. This includes business owners and employees with salary packaged vehicles.


Write down or take a photo of the odometer reading on your car. Put a reminder in your diary so you don’t forget!


31 March 2021.


If you are using the “business percentage” or “logbook method” for claiming tax deductions or calculating Fringe Benefits tax, there are two basic requirements:

  • You maintain a logbook, which is provided to your employer; AND
  • You maintain a record of the ODO of the vehicle annually.

For more information, please click here, or as always, please feel free to contact Bowden Liberatore offices on 07 3879 3303.

Working From Home


The ATO has announced a new temporary short cut method for claiming home office running costs (e.g. additional heating, cooling, internet, depreciation).


Employees who are now required to work from home as a result of Covid-19.

What can I claim?

The ATO will allow individuals to claim a deduction for all running expenses incurred during the period 1 March 2020 to 30 June 2020, based on a rate of 80 cents for each hour an individual carries out genuine work duties from home.

Do I need a dedicated work area to claim this deduction?


Can multiple people in my household all claim this deduction?


What records do I need to keep?

You must keep a record of the number of hours you worked from home as a result of the Coronavirus, during the above period.  This record can include timesheets, diary entries/note or even rosters.

More information?

Click here –

Have you earned the ATO’s trust?


The ATO is renewing their focus on privately owned and wealthy groups under their four-year “Next 5,000” tax review programs.

Am I wealthy?

A privately owned and wealthy group is defined by the ATO as:

  • companies and associated subsidiaries with an annual turnover greater than AUD$10 million; or

  • individuals who, together with their business associates, control net wealth of over AUD$5 million.

What are they looking for?

Instead of reviewing particular identified risks, the ATO has changed its approach.  Under this program, the ATO’s focus is on establishing justified trust that each entity has paid the right amount of tax.

That is, their focus is now on ensuring that businesses and wealthy individuals have documented processes in place to demonstrate that the WAY they prepare their accounts and tax returns means that the ATO can trust that they are correct.

How do I gain the ATO’s trust?

In determining whether you have established “justified trust” the ATO will review the following four key areas:

  • your tax governance framework;
  • any new transactions and their tax outcomes; and
  • any differences between accounting profit and taxable income.

Most private groups do not yet have a detailed and documented tax governance framework.   Notwithstanding, the ATO has made it clear that the tax governance framework will be one of the first things that the ATO will ask about at the commencement of a review of a private group.

What is a tax governance framework?

A tax governance framework is a series of documents that evidences the way that an organisation:

  • understands its tax obligations;
  • has appropriate controls and processes to identify, assess and mitigate tax risks;
  • seeks advice;
  • ensures integrity in reporting;
  • maintains effective records and documentation;
  • ensures that behaviour is ethical and responsible.

Need help?

As always we are here to help! We can assist you to prepare your tax governance framework, to ensure that any ATO review is streamlined, saving a significant amount of time and cost.